Thursday, March 01, 2007

Power failure and a couple of sniffles

Dang!!! Thought that catching a stomach flu was bad enough. But a power failure at 6am??? Honestly, sometimes I think the Big Boss up in the Heavens just love to see me on my toes. This is not the first time too that my power fuse gave up on me. I'm not sure whether it's the main fuse this time coz my neighbour and the guard house had a blackout as well. Let' hope TNB is able to solve this by today since I'm not keen on my fridge not functioning for a long period of time.

About the flu bug, it hit me like a truck running over some road kill yesterday morning. I couldn't even get out of bed! Imagine the kind of energy I've to squeeze out to go to the toilet because there was an added bonus to this flu...diarrhea!!! Anyway, took my ORS, lots of drugs, got myself halucinating in no time and plopped back into la-la land by lunch time. I'm still kinda in a daze from those drugs the doctor prescribed me (dang!!! these pills are really strong lah! no JOKE!) But I'm glad that the diarrhea stopped. So, here I am in the office trying to look sane and have to get all that back logged work cleared out.


oliviasy said...

ehhh? when was the blackout wor? wah, fren, got bad flu bug huh? take care oh. saturday nite if u free hor, the gang going to alek's hse for a session.

ginseng4desoul said...

Oli: Found out that C-16-1's box tripped and affected some units on my floor. Kau tim oledi. Don't think I can make it on Ssat lah coz I've a function to attend. Thanks for the invite though. :-)

oliviasy said...

soka~ anyway the venue switched to my place. the gang was there until 3am XD