Friday, March 09, 2007

Orang orang rumah teres

I've recently did a small study on my client demography and I realised one group of people I should avoid doing business with. They are called the "orang rumah teres." Why??? I'm sure you'll ask. This is why.

1. Bungalow clients - They have big budget and most of the time, discerning taste. Hence they are willing to pay. Fussy people but I can live with that. Especially if they give me carte blanc.

2. Apartment/ flat clients - They may not have very big budget most of the time. But they are honest about it and they tell you exactly how much they are willing to spend on their budget. This makes it very easy to give them the best quality they can afford.

3. Orang rumah teres clients - This group of people are really strange. They do not like to give you a budget and ask for the best of everything. After negotiating and requesting you to appear at their doorsteps for the 100th time, they finally tell you they want the house done up like a millionaire bungalow, WITH A FLAT BUDGET!!!

Orang rumah teres does not only suffer from low self esteem since they compare themselves all the time to their wealthier Semi-Dees and Bungalow comrades, but also suffer severely from Kiasu syndrom. They require such perfection on the stitching, that even Christian Dior's best seamstresses will to be put to shame. They also love to seek for freebies such as tiebelt hooks, expensive looking curtain ropes and even curtain rod rings because they think that they must get the most out of your services!!!! Apalah!!!!????

These orang rumah teres almost always will use the word bayar 5 kali or 10 kali when it comes to footing their bill. If you don't have the budget, don't over do lah!!! Alway confirm their orders and when it's time to deliver, they will have all kinds of story why they have to pay by installments. Blardy pundek! Hope your rumah teres all crumble and swallow you into the fiery pits of hell! Bah!


oliviasy said...

LOLOLOL!!!! farnee lar u. i've been thinking of hvg new curtains for the living area. I wan nice nice fabrics to give my little kecik molek condo a BIG BIG BUNGALOW FEEL!!!

*runs far far away*

ginseng4desoul said...

Oli: CAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!! As long as the budget is also BIG BIG BUNGALOW budget lor...LOL!