Friday, August 29, 2008

My New Toy

Yep... I finally joined the band wagon. I went to collect my new toy this evening after my meeting with a client. Made that extra effort even though it meant skipping lunch and braving the traffic into downtown KL. So here to the new baby...

eoa 002 by you.

eoa 008 by you.

eoa 004 by you.
Lots to learn... so, let the lesson begin! Err... after I've finished charging the battery first lah.


akupunyahal said...

suka! suka! suka! *sambil tepuk2 tangan girang

Esah said...

wah!!! new toy kah.. *matila lepas ni lg diva ye uols.. hahahaha

wahdi said...

Congrats!!!! *clap, clap

Pasti gambar vavavooommm mcm weols pasni! kan Malim? *matilah mengaku pic sendiri

Welcum to the club Rich, can't wait to see ur SLR version pics!

ginseng4desoul said...

Malim: iols pon suka! *ikup clap2...LOL!

Ecah: tak payah nak dslr pon dah diva kan? *matilaa

Kasih: Model? Cuba wat pose cam kat magazine Maxim tuh sket? LOL!

Wahdi: Hayoo... masih tgh gigih testing setting yer... *matilaa jakun taktau pakai camera canggih.

~~ casper~~ said...

amboi....lagi sorang dah beli...akak gak melopong tgk!!!nak jugak.... :(

ginseng4desoul said...

Sue: Beli lah sebijik! Seronok tau!

~~ casper~~ said...

su beli,ginseng bayarkan boleh? sayang ginseng!!!!muaaaahhhhhhssss...hehehehe

ginseng4desoul said...

Sue: Err.... check credit card limit dulu. *Matilaa

~~ casper~~ said...

alah u punya kan platinum giteewww...hehehhe...gurau je ye...xleh gurau,duk surau... :)

ginseng4desoul said...

sue: hayooo... platinum kah?? *Seram

oliviasy said...


ginseng4desoul said...

Oli: cepat meh? Hv wanted one for quite some time liao leh.

Mena Ryan said...

Congratulations on your new toy! From what I have seen above, you are well on your way to doing this at a professional level. Beautiful flowers!

ginseng4desoul said...

Mena: Thanks! :-)