Tuesday, August 12, 2008

L'escape Petit Duex

We started the hike up at around 11 am from the carpark and the walk was initially pretty easy and flat. We even joked about how easy this was going to be and laughed at those "dainty" ones who took the easy way by driving up and kinda got caught when one car is coming down and the other going up. Jalan dia sempit betul!

camerons 061 by you.

We took a short rest at the half way mark and I went camera happy. There's actually people staying up here, by the way.

camerons 060 by you.
Cute and colorful Boh quarters at the halfway mark.

The view!!!! OMG, I didn't want to leave!!! Don't you just want to burst out in song? "The hills are alive......with the sound of music!!!!!!!....Laaaa...lalalalala...." LOL!!!!!camerons 063 by you.

camerons 065 by you.

Ada kambing yer... curry anyone?
camerons 068 by you.

The trek became more difficult and arduous once we resume from the halfway mark. Thank God for the spectacular view that has distracted us from our labored panting and wheezing. *Matilaa sooooo unfit!!!!
camerons 121 by you.

This was another scenery that was taken while we took another short rest.
camerons 123 by you.

We saw this house cum gudang (warehouse) at the 3 km mark. I thought it was so pretty, so I took a picture of it in color and another in amber (sepia) setting for an aged look.
camerons 118 by you.

camerons 120 by you.

It's secondary jungle from here onwards...
camerons 097 by you.

camerons 095 by you.

And the scenery changes drastically....so did the temperature...
camerons 114 by you.

Some wild flowers and mushroom along the way...
camerons 103 by you.

camerons 112 by you.

Finally... we see the end of the road... the observatory tower and the micro station.
camerons 098 by you.

The sign (badly defaced) Huhuhuhu...
camerons 101 by you.

We decided to climb the tower...
camerons 107 by you.

camerons 108 by you.

And this is the view from the top. The clouds started closing in. So, the picture was really cloudy.
camerons 105 by you.

It took us a total of 4 hours to go up and down. It was tiring as hell, but heck... We made it!!!! We celebrated by chomping down copious amount of strawberries bought from the pasar malam. They were really cheap. RM10 for 1.5 kilos!!! Must be in season. :-)


ginseng4desoul said...

Kasih: Rugi la kasih tak pi ladang teh tuh. Chantek betul! Memang mcm dalam citer hindustan! ;-P Ahaks!

Mena Ryan said...

I am SO on the wrong side of the planet! Beautiful pictures, and it sounds like a really beautiful place too.

ginseng4desoul said...

Mena: Hi!!! Long time no hear ;-) Thanks! It is a beautiful place. You hv to come and visit!!!

Mena Ryan said...

I'm kind of back, Andrea was here last week and Mom had her surgery on Monday. I have been at the hospital a bit, all day Monday, recovered from exhaustion yesterday (how do the surgeons do it?!?!) and went over there in the evening. I should have more time now. I do need to visit. I also want to see the Petronas Towers, since I am living near the Sears Tower and the walkway looks like it may be fun. Oh, oddly enough, I tried a tutorial the other day about making a photo sepia. I did it with a picture that my father took of some icebergs and it looked convincing. Look for a GIMPed photo of that building in your email. I tried both the tutorial's technique and I did one of my own, which I kind of like better, but can't really decide. Maybe you will get two... ;^)

ginseng4desoul said...

Mena: Sorry to hear about your mom. Hope she's doing better after the surgery. Send my love to her, ok? BTW, is Andrea in IL alone or with the boys? Err, when did you move downtown Chicago?

wahdi said...

Sgt cantik2 yer pics tu semua!!!

ginseng4desoul said...

Wahdi: Tnx yer. ;-) Uols nye pics pon meletopzzz!!

Honeylemon said...

fuyoooohhh... lawa la gmbar2 tue...
napa x snap strawberry tue..????? huhuhuuu.....

ginseng4desoul said...

Honeylemon: Tnx! Gambo strawberry ada kat entry sebelum nih. ;-) Strawberry betui ada kat dalam perut. ahaks!

akupunyahal said...

wah ni expedisi mencari pokok2 hutan untuk landscaping kah? or untuk hiasan dalaman rumah? *larikkkkk

ginseng4desoul said...

Malim: Hmmm...memang I carik pokok besau bagak untuk courtyard umah ko. Rasa nak wat jungle theme jer lah..LOL!