Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Pea brains are back

What I've found of late is there are quite a few motorcyclist who would rather risk their lives riding on the main road rather than the special bike lanes build for them (like those on Federal Highway). These imbeciles are growing by the day. I mean, JKR's been spending millions of your money to built these lanes, use them lah!!! Nih takde, they would rather zip around cars and risk kena lenyek from other vehicles. As it is, our Federal Highway is already congested nak mampos and these daredevils are not helping the situation at all. Just the other day, I saw one of these morons with a pillion rider happily scooting around cars from my rearview mirror. I was quite delighted since there was a motor patrol trooper in front of me. This one sure kena lah! But you know what happened? These 2 jokers on their 2 wheeler highway terror just zipped passed this traffic police and the traffic police buat dunno!!!!!! WTF????!!! I mean, this traffic police is actually scared of these 2 kapcai terror is it? His huge Honda trooper bike bought with our moolah is used for what? Show off ah? If I have my way, I would have mowed these two bugges down with my truck. Then, I'll mow down that stupid police man too for being to chicken to get that two idiots off the main highway.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

our police oso sumtimes buat tak tau, cos takut kena hentam. pathetic kan?