Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Working under pressure

You have no idea what potential miracles can happen when you work under pressure. This is the first time I've ever achieved my execution work for an office suite in less than 4 days! Imagine doing up the carpeting, wiring, lighting, airconds, wall and window treatment in less than 4 days!! It's quite an achievement. Tomorrow the furniture and workstations should be in and I can collect the balance outstanding. Hehehehe...

ID works by you.

Have to start concentrating on the home in KU, CH immediately after this.... mau pengsan dibuatnye! The owner for the condo at SS has just wired the deposit from London. So, I guess that has to start work as well. Thank God the unit at CC only needs attention when the owners are back from Lagos end of Dec. I need some breathing space.

ID works by you.


akupunyahal said...

nice carpet yer... another flooring that I like is untreated wood. look classic with all that scratch mark on it...

ginseng4desoul said...

Malim: Untreated wood mmg cantik tapikan kat sini lah hazab sbb warping selalu buat sampai tanggal atau pecah. Lets not forget we also have lots of anai2 kat sini. LOL!

Honeylemon said...

wah... lumayan.. lumayan.... :)

wahdi said...

takpe janji poket kembung rich!

ginseng4desoul said...

honeylemon: Hi... sorry for the late reply on your comment. Lumayan??? Harap2 ghetulah kan...

ginseng4desoul said...

Wahdi: Hayoo... dah insomnia nih.