Monday, November 03, 2008

A walk in the park

Lately my schedule has been chock a block full and the impact is dawning upon me. With whatever little time I have, I made myself a date to take some time off and basically do nothing at Sentul Park.

Didn't manage to take many pictures... I'll explain why at the end of this entry.

halloween 018 by you.

halloween 027 by you.

halloween 026 by you.

halloween 019 by you.

halloween 032 by you.

Thought Sentul Park is beautiful and well kept, there is one big flaw in this set up. While I was trying to capture the beauty of this park, a man approached me and told me to stop taking pictures and get off the park grounds. I asked why? He said that this is PRIVATE PROPERTY. Ok yes, agreed Sentul Park was developed by YTL Corp. and it is privately owned. But correct me if I am wrong... I believe that I've read that YTL Corp. decided to create the park as a gift back to the COMMUNITY. I did not see ANY SIGNBOARDS stating that photography is not allowed and more importantly, why make a park that no one can enjoy, except for mebbe some hot shot big names for their private functions??? So stupid!!!


akupunyahal said...

That is stupid indeed..camner lah ada jugak kes macam tu yer.... better no park at all.. but I like the last pic.. very niceeee!

Esah said...

lor!! buat taman but org xleh nak guna.. poning palo!! baik xyah buat.. buang karen, tenaga ngan duit je..

ginseng4desoul said...

Malim: Mmg stupid yer! Patutler masa I pi tuh kan satu taman tuh kan takde orang. Rupa2nya depa halau sema orang dari dok kat taman tuh.

ginseng4desoul said...

Ecah: 1st time gak iols dgr yg taman untuk orang umum takleh digunakan oleh orang umum...

ginseng4desoul said...

Kasih: Tuh lah pelik sgt si mamat nih pi halau sema orang dari masuk taman yg besar berhektar2 tuh. Mungkin lembu2 depa tuh tgh ngunyah rumput kat situ kot.

wahdi said...

luv 2nd last pic tu! ala2 tgh skodeng *matilah.

Haiyoh kan sengaja je pak guard tu nak feeling2 hebat!

ginseng4desoul said...

Wahdi: Suka skodeng ker??? *Lariii
Mmg pak guard tuh mengada sgt.