Monday, April 28, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
Sealing their fate
Friday April 25, 2008
Subsidy on diesel to go first, says Shahrir
KUALA LUMPUR: The restructured fuel subsidy scheme will see the removal of subsidy on diesel first.
Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Shahrir Samad said diesel would soon be sold at the market rate at the pumps when a mechanism to deliver subsidies directly to those entitled has been decided upon. (Gee... and I wonder who these entitled people are????)
“We are looking at diesel first, and how to ensure that subsidised diesel gets to the right groups, especially to the transport sector and (those involved in) certain economic activities which require diesel subsidy so that we can cut out leakages. (Wah!!! Better open up the grey area so that they can sapu without being noticed, ya???)
“Schoolbuses for example. We have to have a mechanism on how to deliver the diesel (subsidy) to the schoolbus drivers so that the cost of transport will not go up,” he said.
Without the subsidy, diesel will cost more than RM2 a litre. The price of diesel at the pump now is RM1.581 a litre.
Shahrir said the move to restructure the fuel subsidy was necessary to ensure the money was not wasted through various ways such as diesel smuggling. (But you can waste money through RM1000 dinner suits purchases and "table etiquette course", right?)
“We want to look at diesel first, then obviously we will have to look at petrol subsidies,” he said.
Shahrir said crude oil prices were at US$117 (RM372) per barrel, and the Government spent RM33bil on fuel subsidies last year.
He said another RM20bil of subsidy was spent on natural gas to subsidise Tenaga Nasional Berhad’s power generation.
“You are talking about RM53bil. And that does not include the subsidised amount that people pay. Our oil export in 2007 was RM77bil. (You've just spilled the beans, moron!!! Where is the rest of the RM23 billion???)
“So it is almost one-to-one what we consume and what we export,” he said.
It is scary to know that there are a bunch of uneducated, greedy morons running this country. Uneducated I can still buy, but greedy... you guys are running this country into the drain. Come on, Sabah and Sarawak MP's!!!! When are you guys jumping ship to boot out these idiots???
Monday, April 21, 2008
Back from hiatus
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
This is the house that BN built!
I'll give you an example of what happens each time I've to attend to these monkeys. Once I arrived at the stipulated time, I've to call the PIC to inform him that I've arrived. After that, you've got to wait for AT LEAST 30 minutes before someone shows up on a scooter telling you this.
"Lu itu olang mau ukur lumah ka?"
After that, he will zoom off and you wait for another 30 minutes. Later, 2 cars filled with MORE monkeys will arrive and ask the same question. All of them will give you this intimidating look as if they have not eaten for days. Then one person will call the "latuk" to confirm that I'm already there. FINALLY, this person (the so called supervisor) will open the door and let me in. He will be the one following me around and trying to explain what the "latuk'' wants in the house (more like what he wants in the house, actually). While we do the walkabout, the rest of the 5 monkeys will be mulling around the empty house doing nothing. At one point when I was explaining to the supervisor what options are available, one guy actually has the cheek to lay down flat on the floor and fell asleep!!!! How's that on hiring the right people to do the job???
I actually wonder how many people are being hired by our dear Gomen to actually do nothing??? No wonder you all are losing!!! Tsk!Tsk!!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Fren: (Accidentally brushed the arm of a woman). Opps, I'm sorry.
Woman: (Turned her tong drum body and revealed a garishly made up face with chunky jewellery all over)... OOOIII!!!! Watch where you are going lah!!! Are you BLIND???!!!
Fren: I said I was sorry, right?
Woman: (While shaking her wobbly arms and exposing her "Christmas ornaments" on her arms). Excuse me???? Do you know that I'm a DATIN????!!!!
Woman: (Walked away red faced)
So, my dear friends, the moral of the story is.... DATINS ALSO BERAK TAIK JUGAK!!!!!!!! WAKAKKAKAKAKAKA!!!!!!!!
Monday, April 14, 2008
We Will Rock You! Queen: The musical

Since I'm on the ball with this concert thingy, I might as well wear it ALLLLLL out lah. Make sure all the adrenaline and juices are squished out and then I can go back being boring ol' me.
I'll be leaving for Singapore this weekend to watch Queen: The Musical at the Esplanade Theater. Mom and Dad's tagging along on this one. Good ol' sis will be picking us up when we arrive at Kiasuland. Nope, the musical's not about Freddy Mercury but it's a tribute some sort where the entire musical revolves around the music Queen made. You can check it out here.
It was fantabulous!

the tickets. Well, you know what??? She's REALLY GOOD!!! I've always been a sceptic, when it comes to real live performances, because I know a lot of artistes can't belt out a song to save their lives without the help of sound studio engineering.
Well, Celine Dion was not only consistent, she sang non-stop (with only very short breaks) and her voice was spectacular. No words could describe the entire hour where she sang 22 of her hits. It was a night truly to be remembered for a long, long time!

Saturday, April 12, 2008
Celine's in town!
I can't wait to be at Stadium Merdeka tomorrow!!! Yay!!!
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Food for thought

I feel compelled to pen down my thoughts today. Last night, I was enlightened by true experiences that made me realise how blessed my life has been. I had an unexpected guest knocking on my door just as I was about to have my dinner. It turned out to be a long time friend who happened to be living in the next block. Well, since he was at my doorstep, I decided to invite him in to share my dinner while we chatted.
It was during this time that I actually had the chance to know my friend deeper. You see, he's always portrayed himself as the know all, super macho kinda guy. Makes you feel a bit meluat sometimes, you know what I mean? He was excited to tell me all about his first paint ball game he had the day before and I listened as he spoke with gusto and showed me the bruises he got from the game. In return, I also showed him some of the photos taken during my recent holiday. We continued to chat and somehow, we began to talk about our younger days. That was when his real story revealed. You see, my friend works in the clubbing business all his life and his life is, well, kinda wild. I thought that was something that he loves and that's why he chose that career path.
He later told me that he ran away from home when he was 16 because he was abused by his step mother. He came to KL with only the clothing on is back and no money. He has slept on the streets and also lived with street urchins, pooling in whatever money they have to feed their stomach. At that point, I began to understand why he was always extremely protective over his friends and was extremely proud of his belongings. Before this, I always thought of him as a bit of a show off. Everything was build with his sweat and blood. He literally begged for a job at a club at that time and was later waiting tables at the club illegally because he was underaged. All these while, his family didn't came looking for him and neither did they bother to send him any money. He eventually worked his way up and became what he is today. He was a real life Oliver Twist. I have immense respect for this guy now that I understand him more. My life achievements are so small compared to what he has gone through. My life is extremely blessed, yet I complain all the time. In every success like my friend here, I wonder how many who did not make it due to drugs and exploitation. Makes me wonder that there is so much more out there we have not experienced.
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Busy bee
Anyway, the only compensation I got from all this non-stop work was a weekend getaway to Phuket/ Krabi last week. Managed to burn myself sillly and stuff myself like a pig with good food (expensive though!!!). I've decided not to post any pics here in the blog since blogspot is so kedekut in pics space. I've got all the pics up in FB though. Those who have my FB account can view them there lah. Those who don't... too bad!!!! Hehehehehe